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Western Australia Bailliage

The Western Australia Bailliage captures the magnificent beauty, mystery & allure that this region is so renowned for
all over the world.

Quaint surfing villages through to the finest modern contemporary hotel venues feature in the very regular series of events staged by this innovative and friendly Bailliage. ā€‹


Western Australia is home to many of the world's most renowned vineyards, with this alluring state also showcasing boutique dining experience venues and some of the finest seafood and produce available.


Impressions Western Australia

Anchor 1

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Thank you for your enquiry. We will get back to you asap. La Chaine.

Contacts Western Australia

Bailli: Bill Munro  ā€‹

Vice Argentier: Sonny Rahim
Vice Chancelier: ā€‹
Rob Cockburn 
Vice Conseiller Culinaire:  
Vice Conseiller Gastronomique: Tim Lee 
Vice Chargée de Presse:

Vice Echanson:

Vice-Chargé de Missions: Fiona Millar




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