Association Mondiale de la Gastronomie

"Head Chefs,
young Chefs of the future & Sommeliers in more than 2,200 restaurants around the world,
including 2 & 3 stars Michelin,
Master craftsmen & Meilleurs Ouvriers de France,
Grades and Ribbons

Conseil d'Administration
Gold medal and chain on red ribbon edged in gold braid with Conseil d'Administration insignia
Conseil Magistral
Gold medal and chain on red ribbon edged in gold braid with Conseil Magistral insignia
Conseil d'Honneur
Gold medal and chain on red ribbon edged in gold braid with Conseil d'Honneur insignia
National Bailliage

Bailli Délégué
Gold medal and chain on green ribbon edged in gold braid

National Officer
Chancelier - Argentier - Conseiller Culinaire - Conseiller Gastronomique - Chargé(e) de Missions - Chargé(e) de Presse
Gold medal and chain on blue ribbon edged in gold braid

The Echanson must be an acknowledged person in his speciality, with outstanding knowledge in the field of wine and spirits. He shall be the National Chairman of L'Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs if and when such an organisation is merged into the Chaîne and liaises between its members and the Bailli Délégué. The members accepted into L'Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs shall always be members of a Bailliage National of La Chaîne prior to acceptance and the Echanson separately receives them into L'Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs. He advises the Bailli Délégué in his specialist capacity over the conduct of National Chapitres and other National and Provincial events. He supports the Bailli Délégué in the preparation and conduct of the National Jeunes Sommeliers Competition and serves as Chairman of the Jury.
Gold tastevin and chain on blue ribbon with a burgundy stripe and thin orange stripe in the middle, edged with gold braid
Provincial Balliage

Bailli Provincial
Gold medal and chain on green ribbon edged in silver braid
Provincial Officer
Chancelier Provincial - Argentier Provincial - Conseiller Culinaire Provincial - Conseiller Gastronomique Provincial - Chargé(e) de Missions Provincial - Chargé(e) de Presse Provincial
Gold medal and chain on blue ribbon edged in silver braid
Echanson Provincial
Gold tastevin and chain on blue ribbon edged in silver braid with a wide orange stripe and a burgundy stripe in the middle.
Local Bailliage

Gold medal and chain on green ribbon
Local Officer
Vice-Chancelier/Argentier or Vice-Chancelier and
Vice-Argentier - Vice-Conseiller Culinaire -
Vice-Conseiller Gastronomique -
Vice-Chargé(e) de Missions -
Vice Chargé(e) de Presse
Gold medal and chain on blue ribbon
Gold tastevin and chain on blue ribbon with a wide orange stripe and a burgundy stripe in the middle
Non-Professional Members

Chevalier / Dame de la Chaîne
The initial non-professional Chaîne grades
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon edged in light blue
Promotion for a Chevalier or a Dame de la Chaîne. Also for a special member, or Président of an Association to be honoured.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon edged in red
Grand Officier
Exceptional promotion for an Officier Ā a gastronome who has distinguished himself through his efforts for the Chaîne, possible after ten years of Chaîne membership - but only with approval of the President.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon with a red stripe in the middle edged in red
Exceptional promotion for a Grand Officier, possible after fifteen years of Chaîne membership, but only with approval of the President.
Gold medal and chain on a purple ribbon, edged in orange
Chevalier d'Honneur
High honorary title, given to a very important person/ celebrity. Awarded only with the approval of the President.
Gold medal and chain on burgundy ribbon
Grand Officier d'Honneur
Highest honorary title, given to Royalty, Head of State or Ministers. Awarded only with the approval of the President.
Gold medal and chain on burgundy ribbon, edged in gold braid.
Professional Members

The initial Chaîne Professional grade. Reserved for a young Chef.
Silver medal and chain on orange ribbon with ĀRôtisseurĀ insignia
Chef Rôtisseur
Sous Chef, Chef de partie, Culinary Educator.
Silver medal and chain on orange ribbon edged in red with ĀRôtisseurĀ insignia
Maître Rôtisseur
Owner, Director, Manager, Head Chef, Culinary Programme Director involved in the running of the kitchen at a catering establishment.
Silver medal and chain on orange ribbon with two red stripes and ĀRôtisseurĀ insignia
Officier Maître Rôtisseur
Promotion for a Maître Rôtisseur.
Gold medal and chain on orange ribbon with two red stripes and ĀRôtisseurĀ insignia
Grand Officier Maître Rôtisseur
Special promotion for an Officier Maitre Rôtisseur, possible after ten years of Chaîne membership, but only with approval of the President.
Gold medal and chain on orange ribbon with a red stripe in the middle and ĀRôtisseurĀ insignia
Professionnel de la Table
A person directly involved in restaurant service.
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon with Āplace settingĀ insignia

Chef de Table
Maitre d'Hôtel, Chef de Rang, Restaurant Service Educator who, if needs be, cooks at the table.
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe
Sommelier or Chef de Cave, Wine Educator.
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe and Ābottle and glassĀ insignia
Maître Restaurateur
Owner/manager or director of a restaurant who is not involved with the running of the kitchen in his/her establishment; a Service Programme Educator.
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe, edged in light blue, and ĀMaître RestaurateurĀ insignia (not shown in this photo)

Maître Hôtelier
Owner/manager or director of a hotel, Senior Hotel School Educator.
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe, edged in light blue, and ĀHôtelierĀ insignia
Maître Sommelier
Head Sommelier of a restaurant, Senior Wine Educator.
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe, edged in light blue, and Ābottle and glassĀ insignia
Officier Maître Restaurateur
Promotion for a Maître Restaurateur.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe edged in red and ĀMaître RestaurateurĀ insignia (not shown in this photo)
Officier Maître Hôtelier
Promotion for a Maître Hôtelier.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe, edged in red, and ĀHôtelierĀ insignia

Officier Maître Sommelier
Promotion for a Maître Sommelier.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe, edged in red, and Ābottle and glassĀ insignia
Grand Officier Maître Restaurateur
Special promotion for an Officier Maître Restaurateur, possible after ten years of Chaîne membership, but only with approval of the President.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon with a wide orange stripe and a thin red stripe in the middle, edged in red, and ĀMaître restaurateurĀ insignia (not shown in this photo)
Grand Officier Maître Restaurateur
Special promotion for an Officier Maître Restaurateur, possible after ten years of Chaîne membership, but only with approval of the President.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon with a wide orange stripe and a thin red stripe in the middle, edged in red, and ĀMaître restaurateurĀ insignia (not shown in this photo)

Grand Officier Maître Sommelier
Special promotion for an Officier Maître Sommelier, possible after ten years of Chaîne membership, but only with approval of the President.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon with a wide orange stripe and a thin red stripe in the middle, edged in red, and Ābottle and glassĀ insignia

Professionnel du Vin
A person directly involved in viticulture, including an owner, director, manager, of a vineyard and/or a winery, a winemaker, a director of a wine academy or wine educational program, a distributor of wine and crafted beverages, and an owner of an exclusive wine boutique.
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe, edged in light blue and ĀgrapeĀ insignia (not shown in this photo)

This status is signified by the addition of the word ĀHonoraireĀ to a member's professional title and the wearing of the ĀHonoraireĀ badge on the member's ribbon.
Members retiring from the Conseil Magistral or Conseil d'Administration may take ĀHonoraireĀ status with the approval of the President.
Members retiring from the Bureau of a Bailliage or a Bailliage Provincial or a Bailliage National may take ĀHonoraire" status.
On reaching retirement, a member holding a professional grade becomes ĀHonoraireĀ.
This insignia is normally awarded at an Induction Ceremony.

Commandeur (20 years)
The ĀCommandeurĀ badge will be given upon request to all members, after twenty years of uninterrupted Chaîne membership since the date of their first induction.
This insignia is normally awarded at an Induction Ceremony.

Officier Commandeur (30 years)
The ĀOfficier CommandeurĀ badge will be given upon request to all members, after thirty years of uninterrupted Chaîne membership since the date of their first induction.
This insignia is normally awarded at an Induction Ceremony.

Grand Commandeur (40 years)
The ĀGrand CommandeurĀ badge will be given upon request to all members, after forty years of uninterrupted Chaîne membership since the date of their first induction.
This insignia is normally awarded at an Induction Ceremony.

Officier Grand Commandeur (50 years)
The Officier Grand Commandeur badge will be given upon request to all members, after fifty years of uninterrupted Chaîne membership since the date of their first induction.
This insignia is normally awarded at an Induction Ceremony.

Haut Commandeur (60 years)
The Officier Grand Commandeur badge will be given upon request to all members, after sixty years of uninterrupted Chaîne membership since the date of their first induction.
This insignia is normally awarded at an Induction Ceremony.

For recognition of an excellent contribution in the ranks of his/her Bureau, the Bailli may award one Bronze Award annually. Such awards may, with the permission of the Bailli Délégué (or Bailli Provincial where applicable), be awarded to a non-Officer, a member who through dedicated service to the Bailliage deserves to be recognised.
It is also encouraged that the Bailli Délégué (or Bailli Provincial where applicable), awards Bronze Medals to those Baillis who have excelled in managing a Bailliage.
(In addition to the medal, the recipient receives a pin to wear on his/her ribbon.)

For an outstanding contribution to the Chaîne a member may be given a Silver Award. This Award may only be given by the Bailli Délégué however he may request that the Bureau Provincial and/or Bureau National make recommendations as to who should receive such recognition.
(In addition to the medal, the recipient receives a pin to wear on his/her ribbon.)

For an exceptional contribution to the Chaîne a member may be given the highest Gold Award. It may only be awarded by the Bailli Délégué or by the President, and is subject to the President's approval.
(In addition to the medal, the recipient receives a pin to wear on his/her ribbon.)